J2ME development Journal

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Setting Up EclipseME

Ok EclipseME working, its pretty straight forward of anyone who doesn't want to go through the docs on the EclipseME site.

1. You need a toolkit, I'm using the Sun Wireless Toolkit, but a quick google will reveal the nokia, motoral etc, toolkits.

2. Your going to need Eclipse, straight forward enough.

3. If your behind a firewall, like me your going to have to put in your proxy details into eclipse, go to "Window" -> "Preferences" -> "Install/Update". Enter your details there.

4. To install the plugin "Help" -> "Software updates" -> "Find and install". Check the "Search of new features to install" and hit next. Click "New Remote site" and enter this address http://www.eclipseme.org/updates/ and whatever name you would like to call it.

5. Highlight the new option in the box on the left and hit next. Once this is completed restart eclipse.

6. Now you go to "window" -> "Preferences" -> "J2ME" -> "Platform components". Right click on "Wireless toolkits" and add the directory of your wireless toolkit. Folders in "Platform Components" should now become populated.

7. From here its as normal as using regular eclipse.


Note: The default Platform is MIDP 1.0. You may want to consider changing this to MIDP 2.0. To do this right click on your new class go to "run.." -> "Emulation" and set it to emulation MIDP 2.0. You can also pick which phone you want to run your app on from here.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Mobility Pack and stuff

Right first problem here, I've been using eclipse to do most of my Java development in college and I want to keep using it, however there are more options that Eclipse, well one other that I know off and thats netbeans. I'm not a huge fan of netbeans but it is set and ready to go. Anyone got any opinions on netbeans v eclipse for mobilie development.

There is a plugin called EclipseME and this is what I am going to start out. I'm also going to use the netbeans mobility pack with this although there are more options, one such being the Noka Development Suite.

I've seen and heard good things about netbeans but I find to slow and just rather annoying to use.



Welcome to my development blog, where I intend to chart my progress with J2ME, list resources and such over the next 11 weeks. I hope some of you will find this informative and maybe some of you will want to contribute.


I'm creating a mobile phone game using J2me thats basic plan so far, its going to be in 3D and have a huge multiplayer side. I have no doubt this will be a challenging project and involve lots of different game development skills.