J2ME development Journal

Friday, February 10, 2006

Its been a While

Haven't updated this in a while, well there are good reason for that. Progress has been flatlining for the last few days and its only recently I've had time to get started again.

Been modelling for the last couple days, I'm using Blender, a great open source tool for this kind of business. There is a great tutorial over in wiki books that cover most of the basics about Blender, I'm still a rank novice at the tool. The next question would should be asking should be how to export models for use in J2ME, well thanks to handy script you don't have to worry much about that. It will export your model to a JAVA class file or a .M3G file, more on that as I actually get around to exporting. Anyone have any input on 3D modelling for J2ME?

Going to start implementing my landscape models over the next week so fingers crossed.